Monday, October 25, 2010

Look what Dad got.....

So,  Most of Friday we spent 'should we get it'--'should we not'??  So, we went to the Salem Dairy bar to do some serious thinking and discussing..... Lol  And........  He got it..... 

Getting it ready to pull...

Baylie was so excited....

Dad going fast.... (as he could in the garage)

Mom--well, I couldn't be left out....

My two fav boys and Marlye went to do 'Duck Stuff' on Saturday and had fun working and not having to walk so much.....  :)  It's mainly for them but me and Kent plan to do some trail rides when we can--just to get out in the woods--maybe have a picnic.  We love spending time together especially when nature is involved.


Stacy said...

Love the New Ride!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Just became a follower! I hope you will continue to take photos and blog about things in your life. If you love flea markets and yard sales why not join me on my Friday Junkin Finds party. If you need help to linkup email me and I will help you! Good Luck with blogging. It is awesome!

Donnie said...

I can't let my husband see this post....cause he'll want one. there is no where to ride one of these in the retirement